
European Society for Molecular Imaging European Society for Molecular Imaging
The European Society for Molecular Imaging (ESMI) represents the scientific community involved in multidisciplinary molecular imaging science. This includes basic, preclinical, translational, and clinical research on imaging technologies, methodologies, biomarkers and probes, modelling and data analysis.
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
A university at the cutting edge of innovation, Lyon 1 delivers highquality education and research excellence within an attractive environment. Its international reach extends through the fields of science, technology, health and sport. Lyon 1 is also a university that is committed to support, creation and sharing with respect to everyone within its community.
France Life Imaging (RE1) France Life Imaging (RE1)
Created in 2012 thanks to the Investments for the Future program (Programme des Investissements d’Avenir), France Life Imaging (FLI) is a harmonized imaging network for biomedical research. The Network of expertise RE1 aims to gather and coordinate all the partners working in the field of molecular imaging agents in France and enable major breakthrough in the in vivo imaging field. The organization of the GDR AIM 2023 meeting was partly funded by France Life Imaging (grant ANR-11-INBS-0006)
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