Call for communications

Oral communications

Participants are invited to apply for oral presentations. The deadline is 15/09/2024.

Simply indicate the title of your talk on the registration form (which can be modified at any time up to the deadline). An abstract of the presentation is not required.

All communications will be in english. The duration of the oral communication (presentation/questions) will be specified at a later date.

The organizing committee will give preference to oral communications from :
1) junior, non-permanent researchers (PhD students, post-docs);
2) presentations from a maximum number of different labs, so as to represent the diversity of our community;
3) participants who didn't have the opportunity to present during the last GDR Annual scientific days.

Should your request for an oral presentation not be accepted, we invite you to apply simultaneously for a poster presentation (with the same title) if you are interested.



Attendees may apply for poster presentation of their work.

We should be able to accomodate all poster requests. Simply indicate the title of your poster (format : A0, portrait) on the registration form before the deadline : 15/09/2024.

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