Closing message

The 6th Scientific Days of the GDR AIM  are now over.

The organizing committee would like to thank all the participants. The quality of the presentations and discussions made it a great success!

We'd also like to thank all those who made these days possible: the local organizing committee, but also France Life Imaging, the CNRS, ESMI and the University Lyon 1. Many thanks also to our Italian guests for their wonderful presentations.

Don't forget to book June 30th- July 2nd, 2025 in your agendas.
We look forward to seeing you in Nantes !

GDR AIM coordinators : Célia Bonnet, Victor Goncalves, Bich-Thuy Doan, Sandrine Huclier, Sara Lacerda, François Lux, Anthony Romieu, Olivier Sénèque

Local organization committee : François Lux, Eloïse Thomas, Charlotte Rivière, Olivier Maury, David Kryza, Amandine Roux-Gossart



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